Thursday 14 July 2011

Makeup Comp! (Non-SS too)

Hello girls im having a makeup comp so grab that lipstick and eyeshadow cause this will be amazing! Also..because im going to give everyone a chance if your a Non-SS you can enter but if you dont have lots of makeup you can use mine if you want to use someone else than dont worry you can but please ask them first! If you want to be in the makeup comp you MUST be a follower or your medoll will not be entered and take a headshot of your makeup with your camera in your Beauty Parlor and tell me in my gb also tell me what pic it is like if its the first pic or second and so on! My stardoll name is starsuperjr

Thursday 30 June 2011

Haii Derr

Hello every on im Jazzy and welcome to the Beauty of Stardoll this blog is my second! Please apply for a job if you want to be a writer and thankies! On stardoll my name is starsuperjr